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A Letter To My Body

This letter came as a challenge from a friend of mine, Vernee. I did indeed started to write it but it ended up as a poem. Now if you feel inspired to write a letter or even a poem as I have please feel free! Also check out Vernee's blog here:

To My dearest self:

I start this letter by saying thank you,

It’s been over two decades and at times I honestly forget about you.

I’ll begin first from the bottom and then move to the crown,

Because with every build you start with the foundation.

My curious feet – size 9 slash 8.5

Thank you so much for giving me a stride

From ballet, hip hop and afro dance,

Not many people know that you taught me my first position

I have painted you every colour – covered you in glitter

Adorned your toes with rings, and your ankles with fancy chains

I thank both you and my legs for moving each morning

Even though sometimes paralysis stiffens me till I bawling

Thighs hips and ass – what a unique threesome

You have styles for every reason and curves for every season

You three have added a characteristic that nerds like me only dream about

People prefer to call me Ms. Too Tick instead of Ms. Too Stoute.

My womb that bleeds each month and prepares me for motherhood

I have allowed too many persons to come knocking at your door,

Those who did not care for my scared space, leaving negative energy that I am still trying to erase

And in spite of that I thank you

For allowing me to love again

The pain was hard and still is but I know now that I am not a victim.

Stomach! Hey girl! YUH STILL FLAT! – thanks fuh putting all de extra fat in back!

I know de Janet Jackson abs still waiting to be uncovered

But I is a Oshun girl man! How you expect me not to accept suga!

Breasts – another addition I thought I would never have! I will continue to check each month for our personal exam.

Shoulders and back how strong you have become!

You hardly ever slouch now and you hold my neck so upright!

I thank you for pushing out the pride, even when bullying left no friends at my side

Face... the maturity of you! You look so much like mummy now it’s amaZing what genes can do

With the biggest eyes of an anime chick to my lone Marilyn Munroe mole

And how could I forget my single dimple. You are the shyest body part but those who matter know you exist!

For my mouth which not only spits poetry but also speaks my mind

Thank you for giving me a voice and allowing me to shine.

Ears I ain forget you – you were soo big as a child I could not stand you!

But I thank you for letting me hear my gran’s last words in which she said, “ I love you”.

Now we at the apex – a controversial spot to be.

You not only hold all my thoughts but also all my memories.

You sometimes run ahead of everybody because you always think in the future

I want to thank you humbly for giving me the gift of pure vision.

But wait hair! Oh what a hot mess!

As a black woman I can’t even begin to apologise for all of my stress!

You have been fried, died and laid to the side!

Hot iron combs and creamy crack – pony combs and donkey hair down my back!

I got you locked up now sweet sweet sweet

And I could tell you, you never felt more free!

Skin – my deepest apology I think goes to you – because of what clinical depression made me do to you

I etched things as a teen I did not like

I thought that by cutting I would feel more alive

In actuality it killed me slowly

and you met my hands and you guys wrote me poetry.

And even though the psoriasis flares up now and again I thank you for staining me with melanin

Best choice you ever made!

So yea girl! I -thanks- you!

I love you so much for coming this far!

Guess what! Next year we gine be 30 and we gine be shining like stars!

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